Many personalities of Romanian origin have brought important contributions to the development of astronomy all over the world. Some have been born in Romania, others had parents or grandparents who lived here. It's enough to mention, for instance, Hermann Oberth, one of the fathers of astronautics, Nicholas Sanduleak, whose name was assigned to many celestial bodies, or Daniel S. Goldin, the Administrator of NASA.

 This is an evidence of the fact that the Romanians, wherever they are, do not forget their homeland, and honour it by the remarkable results of their researches.

 We wish to make these personalities better known in our country, especially to the young people, who needs such models. Some of them were so kind to cooperate with us, by answering our questions.Other ones promised us to send their own data as soon as possible.

 These pages will be also an invitation to other astronomers of Romanian origin to send their CV, to support the Romanian astronomy in this way, and, why not, to support this country to which they are related in a way or another.

 In case you know other astronomers of Romanian origin, please help us to find them. Our intention is to finally publish a genuine "Who's Who" of these scientists.

 This is the list (in alphabetical order) of those astronomers who answered our questions:
Alexandre Humberto ANDREI

Cristiano Batalli COSMOVICI

Morris S. DAVIS

Florin DIACU





Alexander DEUTSCH (1900 - 1986)

Eugeniu GREBENICOV (1932-2014)

Hermann OBERTH (1894-1989)

Reuven RAMATY (1937-2001) 

Nicholas SANDULEAK (1933-1990) 

Evry Leon SCHATZMAN (1920-2010)

Oscar SCHWIGLHOFER (1923-2001)