Official address:

Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy

Bucharest, str. Cuţitul de Argint 5, RO-040557, Romania

phone: +4021 335 68 92, +40722 736 864,



Present Position:

Honorary researcher of the Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy, whose director has been for 15 years.


Field of interest:

Astrometry, Celestial Mechanics, History of Astronomy, Astronomy Education, Communicating Astronomy with the Public, Astronomy outreach, Transdisciplinarity



License - Faculty of Mathematics-Mechanics, Astronomical Department, University of Bucharest

Ph.D. – mathematics, specialty: astronomy, Faculty of Mathematics-informatics,

University “Babeş-Bolyai" of Cluj-Napoca


Membership of professional bodies:

Affiliations within the International Astronomical Union, IAU

Past affiliation(s) within the IAU

·         ·.Founder member of the European Astronomical Society, EAS; 

·         ·.EAS councilor (2000-2004); 

·         ·.Chair of the EAS South East Branch for SEE (from 2000); 

·         ·.Chair of the Sub-Regional European Astronomical Committee, under UNESCO-ROSTE aegis (2004, 2005) 

·         ·.Member of the European Society „Astronomy in Culture”, SEAC;  

·         ·.Chair of the SEAC WG „Astronomy and cultural heritage” (from 2004); 

·         ·.Founder member of international society “Euroscience”; 

·         ·.Member of COSPAR (Committee on Space Research); 

·         ·.Member of the WG “Eclipse ‘99” of the European Council (1998-2000); 

·         ·.Member in the Scientific Council of the Romanian Space Agency; 

·         ·.President of the Scientific Council of the Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy (1990-2005); 

·         ·.Director of the Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy (1990-2005); 

·         ·.President of the international association "Eclipsa '99", now „Astronomia 21” (1996-2018); 

·         ·.Member of the bureau of the National Romanian Astronomical Committee (from 2002); president (1998-2002), vice-president (1994-1998); 

·         ·.Member of the Romanian Committee for History and Philosophy of Science and Technique – CRIFST (from 2002); 

·         ·.National node for the international campaign VT-2004 (Venus transit), 2004 

·         ·.Member of the International Center for Transdisciplinary Research – CIRET (from 2004) 

·         ·.Coordinator of the Romanian team of the FP6 program EUROPLANET (2005-2013); 

·         ·.Member of the board of the OPTICON WG on “Enhancing Community Skills”; 

·         ·.Executive President of the Association for the Dialogue between Science and Theology in Romania -ADSTR (from 2005); 

·         ·.President of the Institute for Transdisciplinary Studies for Science, Spirituality, Society (from 2010); 

·         ·.President of the National Committee for the Astronomical Olympiads; 

·         ·.Member of the Armenian Astronomical Society; 

·         ·.Member of the society “Les Roumains de France”; 

·         ·.Deputy director of the NOESIS Editorial board (since 2021). 

·         ·.ATLAS Honorary member 



·         ·.Officier de l’Ordre National du Mérite, décret du Président de la R. Française de 8 avril 2005;  

·         ·.Special Recognition Award: Global Perspectives on Science and Spirituality: A Program of the Université Interdisciplinaire de Paris and Elon University with funding from the John Templeton Foundation. (March 2005); 


·         ·.Radio Cultural Excellence Award for promoting the Romanian and international astronomical research during the scientific programs, 2002; 

·         ·.UNESCO Excellence Award “Cecilia Banc” for Science Popularization, 2004 

·         ·.Medal 70 years since the creation of the first research institutions and 55 years since the founding of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova / Medalia 70 de ani de la crearea primelor instituţii de cercetare şi 55 de ani de la fondarea Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, awarded by the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, June 2016. 

·         ·.„Golden Medal” of the Academy of Transdisciplinary Learning and Advanced Studies ATLAS 2018 

·         ·.The Romanian Academy Award "Petre Sergescu" for the history of science and technology, attributed to the works “Nicolae Coculescu, a life among the stars”, ed. Eikon and “Astronomy and the Romanian Academy”, Ed. Academiei Române, both published in 2016 

·         ·.RoAJ, vol 28, no.1, 2018, in honour of Magda Stavinschi 

·         · Minor planet (554709) Magdastavinschi = 2012 XW92

·         Diploma of Scientific Merit for the period Oct 2023-Sept 2024, CIFST - Romanian Academy





Books or chapters in books:

·         M. Stavinschi, Cerul văzut de pe meleaguri moldovene / The Sky Seen from Moldavian Lands, Editura Academiei Române, 2024

·         Gabriela Banu, Magda Stavinschi, Aurel Goci, Constantin Banu, omul care a aprins „flacăra” iubirii de ţară / Constantin Banu, the Man who Lit the "Flame" of Love for the Country, Ed. Eikon, Bucureşti, 2023,  

·         Magda Stavinschi, Bogdan Andrei Fezi, Liceul Teoretic „Alexandru Vlahuţă”, Bucureşti. Scurt istoric / "Alexandru Vlahuţă" Theoretical High School, Bucharest. Brief History, Editura Universitară „Ion Mincu”, Bucureşti, 2023, 

·         M. Stavinschi, Matematica şi astronomia / Mathematics and Astronomy, in the volume “Pagini din istoria matematicii româneşti / "Pages in the History of Romanian Mathematics", coordinators Barbu, V., Marinoschi, Gabriela, Tomescu, I., series "Civilizaţia românească / Romanian Civilization"", Ed. Academiei Române, 2018 

·         M. Stavinschi, Nicolae Donitch, a Pioneer of the International Astronomical Union, Ed. Eikon, Bucureşti, 2018 

·         M. Stavinschi (editor), Petre Sergescu si gândirea matematică / Petre Sergescu and Mathematical Thinking,Ed. Eikon, Bucureşti, 2018 

·         M. Stavinschi, Astronomia şi Academia Română / Astronomy and the Romanian Academy, Ed. Academiei Române, Bucureşti,2016 

·         M. Stavinschi, Nicolae Coculescu – o viaţă printre stele / Nicolae Coculescu - A Life among the Stars, Ed. Eikon, Bucureşti, 2016 

·         -M. Stavinschi, Constantin Pârvulescu, erou şi cercetător al cerului / Constantin Pârvulescu, Hero and Researcher of the Sky, Ed. Grafoanaytis, Ploieşti, 2015,

·         M. Stavinschi, Astronomul Nicolae Donici; enigme descifrate / The astronomer Nicolae Donici - Decoded enigmas, Curtea Veche Publishing, Bucureşti, 2015 

·         M. Stavinschi, Istoria astronomiei româneşti / History of the Romanian Astronomy – DVD, Bucureşti, 2014,  

·         M. Stavinschi, A chapter in Astrometry for Astrophysics: Methods, Models and Applications Celestial Coordinate Systems and Positions, ed. William F. van Altena, Cambridge University Press, 2012 

·         M. Stavinschi, Histoire celeste. Entre Roumanie et France, Bucureşti, 2008,  

·         M. Stavinschi et al., Bucharest Observatory Centenary, 1908-2008, 100 years, Bucureşti, 2008,  

·         M. Stavinschi, Miroir, chapiter dans „10 mots,”, publié dans la 10e semaine de la langure française et de la francophonie, 17-24 mars 2005, pag. 24-25

·         M. Stavinschi, După 122 de ani: Venus şi Soarele / After 122 years: Venus and the Sun, CD Press, Bucureşti, 2004,  

·         M. Stavinschi, Timpul de-a lungul...timpului / Time throughout... Time, Ed. Amco Press, Bucureşti, 2002,

·         M. Stavinschi, Small Dictionary of Eclipses, 2000

·         M. Stavinschi, Întuneric în plină zi / Darkness in the daylight, Ed. Tehnică, 1999,  

·         M. Stavinschi, Mic dicţionar al eclipselor / Small Dictionary of Eclipse, Ed. Tehnică, Bucureşti,1999,  

·         M. Stavinschi, Coopération entre astronomes roumains et français – une longue tradition, Éd. Observatoire de Paris, 1995,  

·         M. Stavinschi, Le temps entre phyisique et astronomie, pag. 71-84, chapitre dand le livre „Le temps dans les sciences”, co-éditeurs Basarab Nicolescu, Norbert Dodille, Christian Duhamel, Éd. L’Harmattan, 1995,

·         Elena Toma, M. Stavinschi, La drum cu Pământul / Let's go with the Earth, Ed. Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică, Bucureşti, 1986, 

·         Cornelia Cristescu, Gabriela Oprescu, M. Stavinschi, Cometa Halley / The Halley Comet, Ed. Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică, Bucureşti, 1985,  

·         M. Stavinschi, Astronomical Observatory, 75 years of existence, CIP Press, 1983,  


Coeditor for:

·         Theoretical and Observational Problems Related to Solar Eclipses (1997), Advances in Solar Research at Eclipses from Ground and from Space (2000),  

·         Leçons d’astronomie (2003),  

·         14 Steps to the Universe (2015). 

·         More than 80 books in the Series „Science and Religion”, „Science, Spirituality, Society”, “Curtea Veche” Publishing. 



of 20 volumes, Anuarul Astronomic / Astronomical Yearbook (from 1980 until 1990, as member in the editorial board, 1991-2005 editor in chief),


Scientific articles 

About 300 scientific papers, more than half in refereed journals 



Hundred of articles or different presentations in mass-media


International meetings organized or co organized:


·         International symposium “120 years from the birth of N. Donici”, 1994, Chişinău, R. Moldavia; 

·         A.R. Workshop "CCD and Photometric Receptors Applied to the Observations of the Saturnian Satellites during the 1995-1996 Opportunity" - PHESAT 95, 1994, Bucharest, Romania; 

·         ESAC III, Annual Meeting, International Conference on Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy, 1995, Sibiu, Romania; 

·         Romanian-Russian conference “Symbolic Calculations and Their Application in Fundamental Researches”, 1995, Bucharest, Romania; 

·         NATO ARW, "Theoretical and Observational Problems Related to Solar Eclipses", 1996, Sinaia, Romania; 

·         4 Romanian-Serbian round tables (Timisoara, 1995; Belgrade, 1996; Cluj-Napoca, 1997; Belgrade, 1998); 

·         International workshop “On Present and Future Astrometry”, Prague, 1997; 

·         Romanian-Russian colloquium „Processing and Application for Astronomical Data and Scientific-Technical Information Interchange”, Bucharest, Romania, 1997; 

·         Romanian-Russian colloquium „Processing and Application for Astronomical Data and Scientific-Technical Information Interchange”, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1998; 

·         International jury of the IAU contest for the best programs proposed for 1999 TSE 

·         International workshop „Astrolabes”, Poznan, Poland, 1998; 

·         NATO ASI „Advances in Solar Research from Ground and from Space”, Bucharest, Romania, 1999; 

·         The 24th International School for Young Astronomers ISYA (IAU/UNESCO), Bucharest, Romania, 1999; 

·         International Seminar „Solar Researches in the South-Eastern European Countries: Present and Perspectivesˮ, Bucharest, Romania, 2001; 

·         Joint Discussion „Astronomy with Small Telescopes”, JENAM 2001, München, Germany, 2001 

·         International colloquium "Science and religion. Antagonism or complementarity?", Bucharest, Romania, 2001. 

·         Journées 2002, „Systèmes de référence spatio-temporelsˮ, Bucharest, Romania, 2002 

·         IAU WG meeting „The Future Development of the Ground-Based Astrometry”, Bucharest, Romania, 2002 

·         The second international Seminar of the SEE branch of EAS „New Results in Stellar Physicsˮ, Timisoara, Romania, 2002; 

·         Astronomy summer school „South-Eastern Europe Youth at the Telescopeˮ (Belogradchik, Bulgaria), 2003 

·         Special Session of IAU WG The Future Development of Ground-Based Astrometry, Sydney, Australia, 2003; 

·         Initiator of the IAU resolution concerning the teaching of the astronomy 

·         JENAM 2003, Special Session „Astronomy Education in Europeˮ, Budapest, Hungary, 2003; 

·         1st Meeting of the Sub-Regional European Astronomical Committee, Bucharest, Romania, 2004; 

·         „Semaine franco-roumaine des sciences et de la technique”, 2003, 2004 and 2005, Bucharest, Romania ; 

·         Conference „Georgi Manev – Historical and Contemporary Aspects of Astronomy, Theoretical and Gravitational Physics”, Chair of the SOC, 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria; 

·         Special Session „Training and Communicating Astronomy”, JENAM-2004, 13-17 September 2004, Granada, Spain; 

·         Scientific Session „Astrometry with Small Telescopes”, 2004, Bucharest, Romania; 

·         2nd Meeting of the Sub-Regional European Astronomical Committee, 2004, Bucharest, Romania; 

·         Special session „Astrophysics, and How to Attract Young People into Physics”, JENAM 2005, 4-7 July 2005, Liège, Belgium; 

·         2005 Yale Summer Workshop on Basic Astrometric Methods, July 2005, Yale University, New Haven CT, USA; 

·         Scientific session „Scientific Programs and Astronomy Education”, 2005, Bucharest, Romania;  

·         3rd Meeting of the Sub-Regional European Astronomical Committee, 2005; 

·         International Congress „Science and Orthodoxy, a necessary dialogue”, 22-26 October 2005, Bucaharest and Constanta, Romania; 

·         International Congress „Transdisciplinary Approaches of the Dialogue between Science, Art and Religion in the Europe of Tomorrow”, 9-11 September 2007, Sibiu, Romania; 

·         International Congress „The Dialogue between Science and Religion in the Orthodox World”, 25-28 September 2008, Bucharest, Romania;  

·         International Congress „Romania, as Laboratory of the Dialogue between Science and Spirituality in the Contemporary World”, 19-20 October 2009, Bucharest, Romania; 

·         International Workshop „Science, Religion, Spirituality and Society as Background of a Stable Peace in the Contemporary World”, 6-9 December 2010, Bucharest, Romania; 

·         JENAM 2007, Session „Astronomy education”, 20-25 August, 2007, Yerevan, Armenia; 

·         JENAM 2008, Symposium „ Education and Communicating Astronomy in Europe - Preparation for IYA2009”, 7-13 September 2008, Vienna, Austria 

·         JENAM 2009, Session „The IYA 2009 in Europe”, 20-23 April 2009, Hertfordshire, UK; 

·         JENAM 2010, Special Session „ Education and Outreach after IYA2009 in Europe”, 6-10 September 2010, Lisbon, Portugal; 

·         EWASS 2012, Symposium “Astronomy Education in Europe”, 5 July 2012, Roma, Italy; 

·         EWASS 2013, Special Session „Astronomy Education and Public Outreach”, 8 July 2013, Turku, Finland; 

·         EWASS 2014, Special Meeting „Inter-, Multi- and Trans-disciplinarity in Astronomy Education”, 30 June-4 July 2014, Geneva, Switzerland; 

·         International Session “The Astronomer Nicolae Donici. 140 Years since his Birth”, 8 September 2014, Bucharest, Romania 

·         International Symposium “The Astronomer Nicolae Coculescu – 150 Years since his Birth”, 31 October 2016, Bucharest, Romania 

·         Session Petre Sergescu, artizan al cooperării internaţinale în domeniul istoriei ştiinţei / - Petre Sergescu, Artisan of the International Co-operation in the History of Science, Romanian Academy, 24 May 2018 

·         2018 ATLAS T3International Conference ”Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, 3-6 June 2018 

·         The anniversary symposium „Nicolae Donici și astronomia pe meleaguri moldovene / Nicolae Donici and Astronomy in Moldavian Lands”, Romanian Academy, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest and Chişinău, 11 September 2024