Official address:
Astronomical Institute of the
Romanian Academy
Bucharest, str. Cuţitul de
Argint 5, RO-040557, Romania
phone: +4021 335 68 92, +40722
736 864,
Present Position:
Honorary researcher of the
Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy, whose director has been for 15
Field of interest:
Astrometry, Celestial Mechanics, History of Astronomy, Astronomy Education,
Communicating Astronomy with the Public, Astronomy outreach, Transdisciplinarity
License - Faculty of
Mathematics-Mechanics, Astronomical Department, University of Bucharest
Ph.D. – mathematics, specialty: astronomy,
Faculty of Mathematics-informatics,
University “Babeş-Bolyai"
of Cluj-Napoca
Membership of professional bodies:
Affiliations within the
International Astronomical Union, IAU
·.Founder member of
the European Astronomical Society, EAS;
·.EAS councilor
·.Chair of the EAS South
East Branch for SEE (from 2000);
·.Chair of the
Sub-Regional European Astronomical Committee, under UNESCO-ROSTE aegis (2004,
·.Member of the
European Society „Astronomy in Culture”, SEAC;
·.Chair of the SEAC WG
„Astronomy and cultural heritage” (from 2004);
·.Founder member of
international society “Euroscience”;
·.Member of COSPAR
(Committee on Space Research);
·.Member of the WG
“Eclipse ‘99” of the European Council (1998-2000);
·.Member in the
Scientific Council of the Romanian Space Agency;
·.President of the
Scientific Council of the Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy
·.Director of the
Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy (1990-2005);
·.President of the
international association "Eclipsa '99", now „Astronomia 21”
·.Member of the bureau
of the National Romanian Astronomical Committee (from 2002); president
(1998-2002), vice-president (1994-1998);
·.Member of the
Romanian Committee for History and Philosophy of Science and Technique – CRIFST
(from 2002);
·.National node for the international
campaign VT-2004 (Venus transit), 2004
·.Member of the International Center for
Transdisciplinary Research – CIRET (from
·.Coordinator of the
Romanian team of the FP6 program EUROPLANET (2005-2013);
·.Member of the board
of the OPTICON WG on “Enhancing Community Skills”;
·.Executive President
of the Association for the Dialogue between Science and Theology in Romania
-ADSTR (from 2005);
·.President of the
Institute for Transdisciplinary Studies for Science, Spirituality, Society
(from 2010);
·.President of the
National Committee for the Astronomical Olympiads;
·.Member of the
Armenian Astronomical Society;
·.Member of the
society “Les Roumains de France”;
·.Deputy director of
the NOESIS Editorial board (since 2021).
·.ATLAS Honorary
·.Officier de l’Ordre National du Mérite, décret du Président de
la R. Française de 8 avril 2005;
·.Special Recognition Award: Global
Perspectives on Science and Spirituality: A Program of the Université
Interdisciplinaire de Paris and Elon University with funding from the John
Templeton Foundation. (March 2005);
·.Radio Cultural Excellence Award for
promoting the Romanian and international astronomical research during the
scientific programs, 2002;
·.UNESCO Excellence Award
“Cecilia Banc” for Science Popularization, 2004
·.Medal 70 years since the creation of
the first research institutions and 55 years since the founding of the Academy
of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova / Medalia 70 de ani de la crearea
primelor instituţii de cercetare şi 55 de ani de la fondarea
Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, awarded by the Academy of
Sciences of Moldova, June 2016.
·.„Golden Medal” of the Academy of
Transdisciplinary Learning and Advanced Studies
ATLAS 2018
·.The Romanian Academy Award "Petre Sergescu" for the history of
science and technology, attributed to the works “Nicolae Coculescu, a life
among the stars”, ed. Eikon and “Astronomy and the Romanian Academy”, Ed.
Academiei Române, both published in 2016
·.RoAJ, vol 28, no.1, 2018, in honour of Magda Stavinschi
· Minor planet (554709) Magdastavinschi = 2012 XW92
Diploma of Scientific Merit for the period Oct 2023-Sept 2024, CIFST -
Romanian Academy
Books or chapters in
M. Stavinschi, Cerul văzut de pe meleaguri moldovene / The Sky Seen from Moldavian Lands, Editura Academiei Române, 2024
Gabriela Banu, Magda Stavinschi, Aurel
Goci, Constantin Banu, omul care a aprins „flacăra” iubirii de
ţară / Constantin Banu, the Man who Lit the "Flame" of Love
for the Country, Ed. Eikon,
Bucureşti, 2023,
Magda Stavinschi, Bogdan Andrei Fezi,
Liceul Teoretic „Alexandru Vlahuţă”, Bucureşti. Scurt istoric /
"Alexandru Vlahuţă" Theoretical High School, Bucharest.
Brief History, Editura
Universitară „Ion Mincu”, Bucureşti, 2023,
M. Stavinschi, Matematica şi astronomia / Mathematics and
Astronomy, in the volume “Pagini din istoria
matematicii româneşti / "Pages in the History of Romanian
Mathematics", coordinators Barbu, V., Marinoschi, Gabriela, Tomescu, I.,
series "Civilizaţia românească / Romanian Civilization"",
Ed. Academiei Române, 2018
M. Stavinschi, Nicolae
Donitch, a Pioneer of the International Astronomical Union, Ed. Eikon,
Bucureşti, 2018
M. Stavinschi
(editor), Petre Sergescu si gândirea matematică / Petre Sergescu and Mathematical Thinking,Ed.
Eikon, Bucureşti, 2018
M. Stavinschi, Astronomia
şi Academia Română / Astronomy and the Romanian Academy, Ed.
Academiei Române, Bucureşti,2016
M. Stavinschi, Nicolae
Coculescu – o viaţă printre stele / Nicolae Coculescu - A Life among the Stars, Ed.
Eikon, Bucureşti, 2016
-M. Stavinschi, Constantin
Pârvulescu, erou şi cercetător al cerului / Constantin Pârvulescu,
Hero and Researcher of the Sky, Ed. Grafoanaytis, Ploieşti,
M. Stavinschi, Astronomul
Nicolae Donici; enigme descifrate / The astronomer Nicolae
Donici - Decoded enigmas, Curtea
Veche Publishing, Bucureşti, 2015
M. Stavinschi, Istoria astronomiei
româneşti / History of the Romanian Astronomy – DVD, Bucureşti,
M. Stavinschi, A
chapter in Astrometry for Astrophysics: Methods, Models and Applications
Celestial Coordinate Systems and Positions, ed. William F. van Altena,
Cambridge University Press, 2012
M. Stavinschi, Histoire celeste. Entre
Roumanie et France, Bucureşti, 2008,
M. Stavinschi et al., Bucharest
Observatory Centenary, 1908-2008, 100 years, Bucureşti, 2008,
M. Stavinschi, Miroir, chapiter dans „10 mots,”, publié dans la 10e semaine
de la langure française et de la francophonie, 17-24 mars 2005, pag. 24-25
M. Stavinschi, După 122 de ani:
Venus şi Soarele / After 122 years: Venus and the Sun, CD Press, Bucureşti,
M. Stavinschi,
Timpul de-a lungul...timpului
/ Time throughout... Time, Ed. Amco Press, Bucureşti, 2002,
M. Stavinschi,
Small Dictionary of Eclipses, 2000
M. Stavinschi,
Întuneric în plină zi / Darkness in the
daylight, Ed. Tehnică, 1999,
M. Stavinschi, Mic
dicţionar al eclipselor / Small Dictionary of
Eclipse, Ed. Tehnică, Bucureşti,1999,
M. Stavinschi, Coopération entre
astronomes roumains et français – une longue tradition, Éd. Observatoire de
Paris, 1995,
M. Stavinschi, Le temps entre phyisique et astronomie, pag. 71-84, chapitre dand
le livre „Le temps dans les sciences”, co-éditeurs Basarab Nicolescu, Norbert
Dodille, Christian Duhamel, Éd. L’Harmattan, 1995,
Elena Toma, M. Stavinschi, La drum cu
Pământul / Let's go with the Earth, Ed. Ştiinţifică
şi Enciclopedică, Bucureşti, 1986,
Cornelia Cristescu, Gabriela Oprescu, M.
Stavinschi, Cometa Halley / The Halley Comet, Ed. Ştiinţifică
şi Enciclopedică, Bucureşti, 1985,
M. Stavinschi, Astronomical
Observatory, 75 years of existence, CIP
Press, 1983,
Coeditor for:
Theoretical and
Observational Problems Related to Solar Eclipses (1997),
Advances in Solar Research at Eclipses from Ground and
from Space (2000),
Leçons d’astronomie
14 Steps to the
Universe (2015).
More than 80 books in
the Series „Science and Religion”, „Science, Spirituality, Society”, “Curtea
Veche” Publishing.
of 20 volumes, Anuarul Astronomic / Astronomical
Yearbook (from 1980 until 1990, as member in the editorial board, 1991-2005
editor in chief),
Scientific articles
About 300 scientific papers, more than half in
refereed journals
Hundred of articles or different presentations in
International meetings organized or co organized:
symposium “120 years from the birth of N. Donici”, 1994, Chişinău,
R. Moldavia;
A.R. Workshop "CCD
and Photometric Receptors Applied to the Observations of the Saturnian Satellites
during the 1995-1996 Opportunity" - PHESAT 95, 1994, Bucharest,
ESAC III, Annual
Meeting, International Conference on Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy,
1995, Sibiu, Romania;
conference “Symbolic Calculations and Their Application in Fundamental
Researches”, 1995, Bucharest, Romania;
NATO ARW, "Theoretical
and Observational Problems Related to Solar Eclipses", 1996, Sinaia,
4 Romanian-Serbian
round tables (Timisoara, 1995; Belgrade, 1996; Cluj-Napoca, 1997; Belgrade,
workshop “On Present and Future Astrometry”, Prague, 1997;
colloquium „Processing and Application for Astronomical Data and
Scientific-Technical Information Interchange”, Bucharest, Romania, 1997;
colloquium „Processing and Application for Astronomical Data and
Scientific-Technical Information Interchange”, St. Petersburg, Russia,
International jury
of the IAU contest for the best programs proposed for 1999 TSE
workshop „Astrolabes”, Poznan, Poland, 1998;
NATO ASI „Advances
in Solar Research from Ground and from Space”, Bucharest, Romania, 1999;
The 24th International
School for Young Astronomers ISYA (IAU/UNESCO), Bucharest,
Romania, 1999;
Seminar „Solar Researches in the South-Eastern European Countries: Present
and Perspectivesˮ, Bucharest, Romania, 2001;
Joint Discussion „Astronomy
with Small Telescopes”, JENAM 2001, München, Germany, 2001
colloquium "Science and religion. Antagonism or complementarity?",
Bucharest, Romania, 2001.
Journées 2002, „Systèmes
de référence spatio-temporelsˮ, Bucharest, Romania, 2002
IAU WG meeting „The
Future Development of the Ground-Based Astrometry”, Bucharest, Romania,
The second
international Seminar of the SEE branch of EAS „New Results in
Stellar Physicsˮ, Timisoara, Romania, 2002;
Astronomy summer school „South-Eastern
Europe Youth at the Telescopeˮ (Belogradchik, Bulgaria),
Special Session of IAU WG The
Future Development of Ground-Based Astrometry, Sydney, Australia,
Initiator of the IAU resolution
concerning the teaching of the astronomy
JENAM 2003, Special Session „Astronomy
Education in Europeˮ, Budapest, Hungary, 2003;
1st Meeting of the Sub-Regional European
Astronomical Committee, Bucharest, Romania, 2004;
„Semaine franco-roumaine des sciences et
de la technique”, 2003, 2004 and 2005, Bucharest,
Romania ;
Conference „Georgi Manev – Historical
and Contemporary Aspects of Astronomy, Theoretical and Gravitational Physics”,
Chair of the SOC, 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria;
Special Session „Training and
Communicating Astronomy”, JENAM-2004, 13-17 September 2004, Granada,
Scientific Session „Astrometry with
Small Telescopes”, 2004, Bucharest, Romania;
2nd Meeting of the Sub-Regional European
Astronomical Committee, 2004, Bucharest, Romania;
Special session „Astrophysics, and How
to Attract Young People into Physics”, JENAM 2005, 4-7 July 2005, Liège,
2005 Yale Summer Workshop on Basic
Astrometric Methods, July 2005, Yale University, New Haven CT,
Scientific session „Scientific Programs
and Astronomy Education”, 2005, Bucharest, Romania;
3rd Meeting of the Sub-Regional European
Astronomical Committee, 2005;
International Congress „Science and
Orthodoxy, a necessary dialogue”, 22-26 October 2005, Bucaharest and
Constanta, Romania;
International Congress „Transdisciplinary
Approaches of the Dialogue between Science, Art and Religion in the Europe of
Tomorrow”, 9-11 September 2007, Sibiu, Romania;
International Congress „The Dialogue
between Science and Religion in the Orthodox World”, 25-28 September 2008,
Bucharest, Romania;
International Congress „Romania, as
Laboratory of the Dialogue between Science and Spirituality in the Contemporary
World”, 19-20 October 2009, Bucharest, Romania;
International Workshop „Science,
Religion, Spirituality and Society as Background of a Stable Peace in the
Contemporary World”, 6-9 December 2010, Bucharest, Romania;
JENAM 2007, Session „Astronomy education”,
20-25 August, 2007, Yerevan, Armenia;
JENAM 2008, Symposium „ Education
and Communicating Astronomy in Europe - Preparation for IYA2009”, 7-13
September 2008, Vienna, Austria
JENAM 2009, Session „The IYA 2009 in
Europe”, 20-23 April 2009, Hertfordshire, UK;
JENAM 2010, Special Session „ Education
and Outreach after IYA2009 in Europe”, 6-10 September 2010, Lisbon,
EWASS 2012, Symposium “Astronomy
Education in Europe”, 5 July 2012, Roma, Italy;
EWASS 2013, Special Session „Astronomy
Education and Public Outreach”, 8 July 2013, Turku, Finland;
EWASS 2014, Special Meeting „Inter-,
Multi- and Trans-disciplinarity in Astronomy Education”, 30 June-4 July
2014, Geneva, Switzerland;
International Session “The Astronomer
Nicolae Donici. 140 Years since his Birth”, 8 September 2014, Bucharest,
International Symposium “The Astronomer
Nicolae Coculescu – 150 Years since his Birth”, 31 October 2016, Bucharest,
Session Petre Sergescu, artizan al
cooperării internaţinale în domeniul istoriei ştiinţei / -
Petre Sergescu, Artisan of the International Co-operation in the History of Science,
Romanian Academy, 24 May 2018
2018 ATLAS T3International Conference
”Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, 3-6 June 2018
anniversary symposium „Nicolae Donici
și astronomia pe meleaguri moldovene / Nicolae Donici and Astronomy in
Moldavian Lands”, Romanian Academy, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Astronomical
Institute of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest and Chişinău, 11
September 2024